How did we get here?

It started with a few birds and some eggs...

The farm started with chickens and ducks, and producing eggs from various different birds. Whilst we were on the cusp of world domination in the egg sector, lol, sadly things didn't go to well and after the war broke out in Ukraine in 2022 it quickly became very unfeasible. Something had to change, god knows what!?

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... that hatched in to Pumpkins!

That same year, another venture on the horizon was to grow and sell Pumpkins. That year too, was THE DRIEST year ever and wasn't looking promising. But... someone was looking down on us and with a few autumn things to go alongside the pumpkins and squashes, it turned out to be a successful spooky-season!

Then we thought... Christmas!

It was a bit last minute, there wasn't many product lines and the shop looked a bit... sh!t. But we took a punt and tried our hand at selling Christmas things. A success!

A bigger range & purpose-built shop!

For 2023 we needed a dedicated shop. We converted an old army trailer, and upped our game! The ranges for Halloween and Christmas grew, the pumpkins did better and we did five times better that 2022.

Taking it online...

In 2024 we took another step! Ducky Things was created to be the online presence for our seasonal Pop-Up Shops here at Berretts Farm. Alongside this, we added Easter and Home Decor to the offering too.

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